BOWLING GREEN, Ky.- As Christmas approaches, millions of children will receive brand-new toys.
However, if these toys aren't age-appropriate, they can pose a serious risk to young ones.
One of the most common and often overlooked dangers is choking. With families visiting and various holiday events, the season can become chaotic, making it easy for parents to miss potential hazards.
Advanced EMT field supervisor Stephen Parrott explains that it's not uncommon to see children with partial obstructions, especially during Christmas time.
"We often see kids who have a partial obstruction, not a full one, but just enough to get lodged," he says.
While choking is a frequent concern, there are other hazards that can be even more life-threatening, such as the plastic wrappers holding toys inside their packaging. To keep children safe, it's important to take time to clean up any small items or packaging that could be put in their mouths.
For more tips on holiday safety and prevention, parents should stay vigilant and prepared. Visit