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Faith and Family Matter More Than Race and Status When It Comes to Children: Study

By Freedomsphoenix Readerfour

Faith and Family Matter More Than Race and Status When It Comes to Children: Study

Faith and Family Matter More Than Race and Status When It Comes to Children: Study

And it turns out that stressing that fact can be beneficial for young students, at least according to a 2020 report from the Public Discourse, which is a journal of the Witherspoon Institute.

Yes, the study is almost five years old now, but its findings should be timeless for anyone with a room temperature IQ.

The main topic this study wanted to tackle involved "achievement gaps" -- that is, as the study put it, "the well-documented discrepancies between the scholastic achievements of African American and Latinos on the one hand and white students on the other."

The study's author, William Jeynes, further explained the crux of his findings: "My meta-analysis revealed that if an African American or Latino student was a person of faith and came from a two biological parent family, the achievement gap totally disappeared, even when adjusting for socioeconomic status."

Well, would you look at that.

And here the left is telling us that race and status provide unconquerable barriers of entry to success without government-mandated DEI initiatives.

"This meta-analysis yielded results that will surprise many: The variables that most reliably reduce the achievement gap are family and faith," Jeynes explained in his study.

"The data are clear: Parental family structure and parental involvement were major explanatory factors and solutions with respect to the achievement gap," Jeynes continued, explaining that having two involved parents was a major advantage, regardless of class or race.

Jeynes effectively argued for keeping the nuclear family intact, the sort of chatter that drives radical leftists insane.

"The family elements that were most strongly associated with a reduction in the achievement gap were coming from a two-biological-parent family and high levels of parental involvement," he wrote. "These are interrelated: When two parents are present, this maximizes the frequency and quality of parental involvement.

"To be sure, there are many dedicated single parents. However, the reality is that when one parent must take on the roles and functions of two, it is simply more difficult than when two parents are present."

Jeynes further explained (emphasis added): "In addition to family structure, a student's faith also has a significant impact on his or her academic performance.

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