In terms of not just his own body count but those of other dictators who followed his lead, Vladimir Lenin could be the evilest human being ever to rise to power. He offers many insights into leftist strategy. For example:
"Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world."
Don't waste time trying to talk adults into exchanging decency and common sense for a nonsensical not to mention demonic ideology. Target kids, who don't know any better. Then you can engrain a viewpoint before it ever has to withstand scrutiny.
For more than a generation, American youth have been largely under the control of the education and media establishments, which in turn are controlled by Lenin's fellow travelers. The result would have him rubbing his hands in glee. According to this week's Economist/YouGov poll:
[A]dults under 30 are more likely to view [Luigi] Mangione favorably than unfavorably (39% to 30%).
Mangione's claim to fame is shooting Brian Thompson in the back for being a health insurance executive. This senseless murder has been excused by the liberal establishment (from Ivy League professors to journalists to senators to the White House) and embraced enthusiastically by younger libs.
The poll is no outlier:
[A] poll, released by Emerson College - a private university in Boston, Massachusetts - determined that of 1,000 registered voters surveyed, 41 percent of them between the ages of 18-29 believe Thompson's murder was acceptable.
Like Lenin, Mangione apparently murdered for moonbattery. This has earned him an aggressive fan base among wokesters, who are enraged that he might face appropriate punishment for the crime. They have canonized him as a saint in their perverted religion: