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Santa Maria Seeks Representatives for Three Citty Committees | Local News | Noozhawk

Santa Maria Seeks Representatives for Three Citty Committees | Local News | Noozhawk

The city of Santa Maria is currently accepting applications for the Measure U Citizens' Oversight Committee, Planning Commission, and Recreation and Parks Commission until 5 p.m. Monday, Jan. 6.

Appointments will likely be made at the Tuesday, Jan. 21 City Council meeting.

The city has a number of committees whose members serve an important role in shaping the community.

"The city adopts practices that value and include diversity at all levels of the organization as an essential step to developing strategies that meet the needs of a multicultural community," the city said. "If you are an individual interested in making a difference in your community, contributing ideas, and being a part of the city team, you are strongly encouraged to apply."

It is the policy of the City Council, per Resolution No. 88-2 adopted May 17, 1988, to appoint, whenever possible, residents of the city of Santa Maria.

"Unless otherwise noted in the membership description, the Mayor shall appoint members to all official city commissions and boards, and they shall be ratified by the City Council.

Measure U Citizens' Oversight Committee: Three vacancies to fill terms ending in January 2025, and/or concurrent with nominating councilmember's term).

The Oversight Committee ensures transparency and oversight of the revenue generated by and expenses made in relation to Measure U. Funds generated independent of Measure U are outside the purview of the Oversight Committee.

Oversight Committee duties include reviewing the annual independent financial audit (performed by an independent auditor on the Measure U generated revenue and expenses during the previous fiscal year), as well as a review of any other city financial reports necessary to advise the City Council of its findings.

The Oversight Committee's findings are presented annually in a written report to the City Council during the first quarter of the calendar year. The written report is based on the previous fiscal year ending June 30.

Members must live within city limits and cannot be current city of Santa Maria employees, officials, contractors, or vendors of the city. Past employees, officials or vendors may be eligible to serve on the committee, provided no conflicts of interest exist.

Meetings are held annually on the fourth Monday of January.

Planning Commission: Three vacancies to fill terms ending in January, and/or concurrent with nominating councilmember's term).

The Planning Commission advises the City Council on planning matters and implements planning policies adopted by the City Council, reviews and takes action on proposed land use and development projects.

Meetings are at 5:30 p.m. the first and third Wednesday of each month. Study sessions are held at 1:30 p.m. the first and third Thursday of each month.

Recreation and Parks Commission: three vacancies to fill terms ending January 2025, and/or concurrent with nominating Councilmember's term).

The Recreation and Parks Commission advises the City Council on Recreation and Parks operations and activities. Meetings are at 4 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month.

Members of the Measure U Citizens' Oversight Committee, Planning Commission, and Recreation and Parks Commission are required by the Political Reform Act (Govt. Code Section 81000-91014) and the City's Conflict of Interest Code to file Statements of Economic Interest, Form 700, disclosing personal assets and income within 30 days of appointment, annually thereafter, and upon leaving office.

Board members must also disqualify themselves from participating in decisions which may affect their personal economic interests.

Applications may be completed and submitted online from the city's webpage at https://www.cityofsantamaria.org/services/departments/boards-commissions or in person at the office of the City Clerk, Santa Maria City Hall, 110 E. Cook St.

For more information, call the City Clerk's Office, 805-925-0951 ext. 2306.

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