1 Refer to the Alternative Performance Measures for calculation basis.
2 Financial debt gearing excludes the £200m preference shares on a look through basis.
3 Total gearing is the aggregate of financial debt, look through debt and £200m of preference shares. The preference shares are equivalent to non-amortising debt with repayment in shares.
4 In , the Board decided to suspend the Company's Scrip Dividend Alternative until further notice in accordance with the terms and conditions in the Scrip Dividend Circular dated due to low take up and the costs associated with continuing to offer it.
5 Including share in private equity vehicle ( ("NPIII")) and co-investments (Agenor and Santarem). Inclusion of NESF's 6.21% share of NPIII on a look through equivalent basis increases total capacity by 43MW
(: nil GWh). Inclusion of NESF's 13.6% share of Santarem on a look through equivalent basis