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Fans Missed Out By Skipping This Underrated 4-Year-Old Spy Comedy

By Ruby Brown

Fans Missed Out By Skipping This Underrated 4-Year-Old Spy Comedy

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Intelligence Came Out in 2020

Nick Mohammed Wrote and Stars in the Show

Intelligence Received Mixed Reviews

With so many streaming platforms and channels to choose from, it can be a challenge to pick what to watch. Anyone who loves a hearty comedy needn't look further than the TV series Intelligence. The show didn't gain a huge amount of attention and has fallen slightly under the radar, but it's certainly deserving of a solid audience. Aside from the eye-catching concept of intelligence services in a comedy setting, the cast is second to none. Nick Mohammed and David Schwimmer star as the leading duo with opposite personalities. As would be expected, they're hilarious together. They each shine in their own right. Schwimmer was famed for his role in Friends as one of the six core characters. Viewers were graced with his grounded comedy, making his character relatable and a joy to watch. Schwimmer has gone on to prove he wasn't a one-trick pony. He gave outstanding performances in a voice-over role for Madagascar as Melman and in The People V. O.J. Simpson: An American Story, playing Robert Kardashian.

Mohammed is an accomplished actor and writer with a particular flair for comedy, but more on him further in the article. Intelligence ran for two seasons, each with six episodes and one Christmas special. The series is fairly short, but that shouldn't be mistaken as a bad thing. Punchy acting lets viewers understand the main cast early on, so no time is wasted trying to figure them out. The series was released in a year with a lot of competition. Normal People and Gangs of London were competitors, although they both fell into very different genres. The mixed reception might be off-putting to some viewers, but hopefully, the positivity that did come will encourage more people to put it on their screens. Some mediocre top-secret work, clumsy colleagues, an intrusive addition to the team, and a whole lot of well-written jokes are a superb combination for a top-tier show.

Intelligence Came Out in 2020

Intelligence was first released on Sky One four years ago. The seamless blend of comedy with secret intelligence groups makes for a one-of-a-kind show. Jerry Bernstein is an NSA agent who moves from America to join forces with Britain's GCHQ. His personality is telling from the first moment audiences see him hold up other people when he refuses to move out of their way on a moving walkway. Jerry thinks a lot of himself, but his confidence is misplaced. While he thinks he can hoodwink everyone into believing he's a cool, suave asset to the team, he stumbles at every hurdle. Christine Clark (Sylvestra Le Touzel), who is in charge, sees right through Jerry. She has little time for his ineptness, displaying the same displeasure she has for the rest of her mediocre team. Joseph Harries is the computer analyst who doesn't quite see through Jerry's bravado. Working closely with him, the two make for an ideal comedy duo. Their personalities balance one another out. While Jerry tries to rule the roost, Joseph is the complete opposite, with virtually no ego whatsoever.

Intelligence is available to watch on Netflix.


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The other team members are Mary Needham (Jane Stanness), Tuva Olsen (Gana Bayarsaikhan), and Evelyn (Eliot Salt). The latter is the daughter of Christine, though Christine tries not to let too many people know. Evelyn can regularly be found napping around the office and gets agitated by anything she's told to do, even though she's paid to do it. Mary is a mild-mannered analyst. She's softly spoken, and no one would ever expect her to do anything out of the ordinary. That was until she was working as a triple agent, although her reasoning made her far less threatening. Tuva is slick and more than capable at her job. Not much fazes her, but she won't suffer people who don't meet her standards. All in all, Christine has her work cut out, trying to whip her team into shape, and Jerry doesn't help. His strange work ethic isn't helpful to the organization. Trying to fight cybercrime is a tough enough job, but this group of characters tends to make the work far more complicated. It's brilliant for audiences, though; the comedy never stops.

Nick Mohammed Wrote and Stars in the Show


For anyone who's a fan of Apple TV+'s Ted Lasso, then Intelligence is the next program for them to try, as not only does Mohammed star as a main character, but he also wrote the series. In Ted Lasso, Mohammed took on the role of Nate. He began at AFC Richmond as the "kit man." A very shy and retiring member of the team, Ted himself helped to bring Nate out of his shell and reach his full potential. With great suggestions for the players and knowledge of football, he was eventually promoted to a position on the coaching staff. The progression eventually went to his head, unfairly calling out Ted and humiliating him in the newspaper. As time went on and Nate's life changed, he saw the error in his ways and returned to his first club. Mohammed is phenomenal in the role. The way he's able to delicately but clearly show Nate's character arc says everything about his talent as an actor. He's funny, compelling, and sensitive in his portrayal.

Intelligence has a score of 6.3/10 on IMDb.


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So, it's no surprise that Mohammed aced his role as Joseph. He conveys the repeated nervousness that bubbles just below the surface of his character, highlighting the little self-esteem he has. His comic timing is unbeatable. He gets the awkwardness in his physicality and manages to hit every comedic beat to ensure a hearty laugh from viewers. As well as plenty of acting roles to his name, Mohammed has a list of writing credits that include Morning has Broken and Mr. Swallow's Valentine. He's appeared on the British panel show 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, demonstrating his sharp wit and ability to stay in character while improvising. Intelligence is arguably some of Mohammed's best work, both as an actor and creator. There may be innumerous shows about intelligence agencies, but Mohammed gave a unique spin to his show. The characters are individually funny as well as getting the laughs when they're in an ensemble scene. Given his success with Intelligence and Ted Lasso, here's hoping that there's a lot more to come from the artist.

Intelligence Received Mixed Reviews

Unfortunately, Intelligence didn't receive positive reviews across the board. A review from the Guardian stated, "...single-location sitcom that doesn't have funny bones because it doesn't have bones at all." It goes on to explain that Schwimmer and Mohammed are highly skilled comic actors, but the show didn't allow them to shine. The plot was predictable, and "Schwimmer's talents are wasted." A separate review in The Telegraph followed suit in its belief that the cast was wasted in the plot. Opposing those suggestions, some viewers loved the show. They enjoyed the satirical take on British intelligence agencies, which, when compared to spy dramas, gives a completely different angle on those organizations. Schwimmer's comedy is reminiscent of his funniest moments as Ross Geller in Friends. Those who are familiar with the New York-based sit-com might find his performance comparable to scenes where Ross is stressed out, like when he's supposedly fine about Rachel and Joey dating, or his scenes of excitement, such as when he jumps around with Rachel and Phoebe in his new apartment.

Mohammed and Schwimmer are absolute gems in Intelligence.


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The storyline isn't complex, which can definitely be seen as a bonus. Often, shows focused on "secret agents" can be difficult to follow, but this one is heavily weighted in its characters and their humor. The comedy is there with every conversation, and the silliness is pulled in just before it becomes too absurd to enjoy. The variety of personalities refrains from making the show one-dimensional. They each interact with each other. Differently, all the while supposedly putting a stop to cybercrime. Sure, it doesn't take a genius to work out where some of the plots go, but an abundance of twists and turns aren't needed to keep the show entertaining. The unpredictability of Jerry is enough of a surprise. Mohammed and Schwimmer are absolute gems in Intelligence. Their on-screen relationship is conveyed with utter clarity and shows them at their comedic best. It's definitely worth watching, albeit it's indeed a shame that it hasn't received the recognition it deserves.

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Release Date February 21, 2020

Cast David Schwimmer , Nick Mohammed , Jane Stanness , Sam Shoubber , Colin Salmon , Eliot Salt , Gana Bayarsaikhan , Sylvestra Le Touzel , Lucy Ware , Mark Heap , Joshua Adam-Harris , Leo Suter , Lucy Lewendon , Vivian Oparah

Network Sky One

Directors Matt Lipsey

Producers David Schwimmer , Nick Mohammed

YouTube Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMAAIFBInUE


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