Lucky 13, hosted by Shaquille O'Neal and Gina Rodriguez, was not a slam dunk for ABC. On Thursday (November 14), the network announced that it had abruptly canceled the game show after one season. Fans are sharing their thoughts on the news, with some predicting this could be a good sign for a well-respected ABC quiz show stuck in renewal limbo.
According to Deadline, Lucky 13's ad revenue "fell well short" in Season 1, leading to producer Studio 1 not green-lighting a Season 2. An ABC representative told the outlet that Lucky 13 "can return" in some other iteration down the line, but there are currently no plans for that to happen. While Lucky 13 was actually a ratings smash over the summer, debuting at No. 1 in its time period, "the mood music changed in recent weeks." Season 1 consisted of 10 episodes and finished airing on September 19.