In 2005, Adam Sandler remade "The Longest Yard" starring himself, Burt Reynolds, Chris Rock, Nelly, Terry Crews and a host of wrestlers including Goldberg, Steve Austin, and Kevin Nash.
Goldberg played Joey "Battle" Battaglio, a defensive player on the convicts team.
"It was one of the best experiences of my life because I was able to work alongside Burt Reynolds and Adam Sandler and Nelly. Obviously it was cool to be with the athletes too, but I rub shoulders with them a lot as it is. Just the whole eclectic group of people was awesome. Adam took great care of everybody, but Nelly was literally the most down-to-earth dude on that set to me," Goldberg recalled while speaking to Ernest "The Cat" Miller on Cat's Corner.
Elsewhere during the interview, Goldberg on his infamous wall headbutt. You can find his full comments by clicking here.
Goldberg is set to have his retirement match in 2025. Fans can learn more by clicking here.